Gap's New Rebrand

When I visited the Gap website this morning for the first time, I was appaled at the entire roll out (or lack thereof) of their brand across all sources: (old favicon still displayed on the address bar), wikipedia (not even updated), twitter account (not updated), facebook profile (not updated).

It makes me wonder if this is forgery and/or the website got hacked.

When companies rebrand themselves as drastically as Gap just has, it leaves the customers questioning their identification with the old brand and how they should adopt the new brand, often leading to severe and negative reactions and counter-loyalty.

The company that has been branding the Gap account for as long as I can remember is the ever-present Laird & Partners. They have nothing on their website about the new rebrand either on their website.

As for my initial reaction, my exact sentiments are shared with what TAXI has to say about it.

Not to mention what many other people think as well:!/search/%23gap



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