Category: Adobe Photoshop

  • PHP GD Sharpening, Photoshop-style

    So I have been working on my thumbnail image sharpening script .. and I am happy to show some MAJOR progress. Go here: Testbed Image Sharpening I hope that you can see the difference in detail from the first image to the second. The first image is blurry and the second is sharper. When all…

  • Photoshop Tip: Reverse Layers

    I’ve come to use this nifty little keyboard shortcut combination for Reverse Layers within Adobe Photoshop CS or greater. And, it’s a safe key-combination to use from the default set. Open up your Keyboard Shortcuts Panel. Navigate to the Layer menu. Further down to the Arrange submenu Further-still down to the Reverse option Bind the…

  • Photoshop Tip: Keep Rulers 'Off' When Possible

    When I work in Photoshop I usually have my screen mode set full screen, so that I can use my screen to it’s maximum potential and edit artwork that bleeds off the edges of the document area. I recently turned off my rulers (PC: CTRL+r MAC: Command+r) for even further maximum viewing area, and noticed…